Monday, September 30, 2019


Capital is A ) tools, equipment, and factories used in the production of goods and services; one of four factors of production. Economics is the use of what to produce and distribute goods and services? Correct D ) resources Want is Correct B ) way of expressing a need that leads to a preference for some goods over others The fundamental economic problem is Correct B ) scarcity. Why do economists need to find the answer to all three of these questions? Correct D ) there are not enough resources to satisfy people's seemingly unlimited wants Markets where productive resources are bought and sold are ______ markets.Correct A ) factor The key feature of the circular flow of economic activity is the Correct C ) market. Economics is based on Correct B ) scarcity. includes the tools, equipment, machinery, and factories used in the production of goods and services. Correct B ) Capital Twenty percent of the world's people in the wealthiest nations consume ____ percent of the world's goods and services. Correct A ) 86 In this passage, â€Å"Too much marketing today focuses on awareness rather than reasons to buy. In the old days, awareness advertising was more effective.There was less competition. All you had to worry about was whether or not people remembered your product. As technology and more kinds of media have come about, it's no longer enough to be remembered. The consumer has too many choices. Your marketing has to send the message that you are relevant. You need to be sending reasons to buy. † Advertisers are advised to focus on the economic concept of Correct C ) utility Manufactured goods needed to produce other goods and services are called Correct B ) capital goods. The dollar value of all final goods and services and the ost comprehensive measure of a country's total production output is Correct D ) Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The three basic economic questions everyone must answer are Correct C ) WHAT to produce, HOW to produce, FOR WHOM to produc e. Human capital is Correct B ) the sum of the skills, abilities, health, and motivation of people. According to Alice Rivlin in this passage: â€Å"Economic literacy is like having a working knowledge of a foreign language. If you are with a group of foreigners and don't speak their language at all, you feel excluded.If you have a rudimentary working knowledge of the language, you can at least follow the drift of the conversation, ask a few questions and feel that, even if you are not getting the fine points, you are not totally left out and you have a basis for acquiring more knowledge. That, it seems to me, is what economic literacy means-a rudimentary working knowledge of the concepts and language of economic activity. If you have a rudimentary working knowledge of economic concepts, you will be Correct B ) able to ask questions to gain more knowledge. Factors of production is/are CorrectB ) productive resources that make up the four categories of land, capital, labor, and entr epreneurship. â€Å"There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch† reminds us that Correct A ) resources are scarce and that we must make careful economic decisions regarding WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM to produce. In this passage, â€Å"To take an example,†¦ One man draws out the wire, another straightens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it;†¦ and [the making of] a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations. † Adam Smith is describing the basic economic concept of CorrectC ) division of labor. The situation in which some necessities have little value while some non-necessities have a much higher value is known as Correct A ) paradox of value. The money used to buy the tools and equipment needed for production is known as Correct C ) financial capital. In which type of economy do consumers and privately owned businesses make the majority of the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM decisions?. Correct B ) free enterprise Division of labor is a charact eristic of Correct B ) assembly line production. The free market economy has developed a strong CorrectB ) system of banks. In modern economies, the medium of exchange is Correct B ) money. Which of the following lists the four factors of production? Correct D ) land, labor, capital, entrepreneurs Actions in one part of the country or world that have an economic impact on what happens elsewhere are examples of Correct D ) economic interdependence. Uneven distribution of oil reserves around the world is an example of scarcity of Correct C ) geography. One advantage of a ___________ economy is that it gradually adjusts to change over time. Correct A ) market A traditional economy is an CorrectB ) economy in which the allocation of resources and nearly all other economic activity from ritual or habit. The high degree of freedom in a market system is illustrated by the fact that Correct A ) producers can make whatever they think will sell. To arrive at an economic decision, a decision-m aking grid may be used to evaluate Correct C ) alternative choices of action. Who makes economic decisions in a command economy? Correct C ) the government An example of a market economy is Correct C ) the United States Economics is the use of what to produce and distribute goods and services? Correct D ) resourcesIn the cost-benefit analysis described in this passage: â€Å"Research has long demonstrated the educational value of early intervention for America's at-risk children, but a new study also shows the federal programs are a wise public investment. who are the investors A cost-benefit analysis of the federally funded Chicago Child-Parent Center program, which serves children from low-income families in Chicago's inner city [shows that] an average annual cost of $6,730 per child generated a total return to society at large of $47,759 per participant. † Who benefited from the savings? Correct C ) all of societyA popular model used to illustrate the concept of opportunit y cost is Correct A ) the production possibilities frontier. Which of the following best describes the relationship between trade-offs and opportunity costs? Correct A ) Opportunity costs are incurred when trade-offs are made. The study of economics is important because it enables us to Correct C ) become better decision makers. The most important function of a distribution system is to link _____. Correct C ) producers and consumers Which term refers to the idea that if you have more of one thing, you must have less of another? CorrectB ) opportunity cost What type of economic system does this passage: â€Å"So long as mankind lived by raising crops and herding animals, there was not much need for measuring small units of time. The seasons were all important-to know when to expect the rain, the snow, the sun, the cold. Why bother with hours and minutes? Daylight was the only important time, the only time when men could work. † describe? Correct A ) traditional economy The pu rpose of government in a command economy is to Correct C ) make major economic decisions. A market economy Correct A ) does not provide for everyone's basic needs.Opportunity cost is the Correct D ) cost of the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources when one choice is made rather than another. An economy at its production possibilities frontier is operating Correct B ) at full potential. The term â€Å"standard of living† refers to Correct A ) quality of life in a country. Bar graphs Correct A ) shows relationships between different data series is the bar graph. Here the height of the bar represents the measured value or frequency: The higher or longer the bar, the greater the value. The main drawback of the traditional economy is that itCorrect A ) tends to discourage new ideas and ways of doing things. In the economic system described in this passage: â€Å"Diaguita Indians have lived in this region for generations†¦ We grow beans, corn and potatoes on the mountain slopes. To irrigate these crops, we still use the channels built centuries ago by our ancestors. We also breed llamas. In our community, the more llamas you own, the richer you are† . answers to the basic economic questions would be determined by Correct A ) habit and custom. All of the following are characteristics of a command economy EXCEPTCorrect B ) public services are available at little or no cost. In a ____________ economy, a central authority makes most of the WHAT, HOW, and FOR WHOM decisions. Correct B ) command What do we call a way of thinking that compares the cost of an action to its benefits? Correct A ) cost-benefit analysis What is the single largest source of revenue for the federal government? Correct C ) individual income taxes The benefit principle of taxation states that Correct D ) people who benefit from government goods and services should pay taxes according to the benefit they receiveFICA includes taxes to pay for Correct A ) Social Se curity and Medicare. Personal individual income tax is a _____________ tax. Correct B ) regressive An exception or oversight in the tax law that allows some people and businesses to avoid paying taxes is called a Correct C ) tax loophole The three criteria for effective taxes are Correct D ) equity, simplicity, and efficiency A ________ tax paid by corporations on their income. Correct D ) corporate income tax This passage: â€Å"We'll cut your taxes† is the most repeated campaign promise in the history of American politics.Yet somehow it is still considered visionary, worth a fight. Worth, indeed, a crusade. Why? It's in our blood. Historically, Americans have hated taxes, and not merely because we had to pay them. We've hated taxes because we've perceived them to be an infringement on our liberty-and the source of big, powerful, and mischievous government. This was true from the beginning. It wasn't just â€Å"taxation without representation† that bothered us so much . It was taxation. Period. † compares the feelings of Americans toward taxation today to those same feelings around the time of the Correct C ) American Revolution.The incidence of a tax can more effectively be shifted from the supplier to the consumer if Correct A ) the demand curve is inelastic. The ability-to-pay principle of taxation states that Correct C ) people should be taxed according to their ability to pay. Iowa residents can take solace in knowing that they'll likely help the state with its budget crunch if President Bush cuts federal taxes. Iowa's softening economy has left state government revenue stagnant, a problem caused by a lack of spending by Iowans. Sales-tax receipts have barely bumped up from last year, and it's coming back to hit the state budget.In Iowa, residents get to deduct their federal income taxes from their state income taxes. So if the federal government saves Iowans $1 billion in income a tax, that's $1 billion that the state will get to tax. According to the passage, how will a cut in federal income taxes help the Iowa state budget crunch? Correct A ) The state can tax more of residents' income. Intergovernmental revenues are generally intended for Correct A ) education and public welfare. According to the passage: America can celebrate Tax Freedom Day ® on May 3, 2001, according to the Tax Foundation's annual calculation.That means that the nation's taxpayers have to work from January 1, 2001, to the 123rd day of the year before earning enough money to pay for government-federal, state, and local-and start spending money on themselves. †¦ Individual income taxes represent the largest component of Americans' tax bills†¦. what is the meaning of â€Å"Tax Freedom Day†? Correct D ) By that day, you have earned enough to pay your income taxes for the year. The authority to levy a federal income tax comes from Correct B ) the Sixteenth Amendment. An excise tax is a Correct B ) tax on the manufacture and s ale of selected items. The â€Å"incidence of a tax†Correct B ) refers to those who bear the final burden of taxation. A _____________ tax is tax on tangible and intangible possessions, such as real estate, buildings, furniture, stocks, bonds, and bank accounts. Correct B ) property The three largest sources of revenue for local governments are Correct A ) utility and liquor store income, property tax, and intergovernmental revenues. FICA is Correct D ) tax levied on employers and employees to support Social Security and Medicare According to the passage: â€Å"Back in 1940, when the Social Security program was just getting under way, average life expectancy was less than 64 years.The program's designers expected that most people would contribute to the program most of their lives and die before collecting a dime in retirement benefits. Today, average life expectancy in the United States is more than 75 years. As life expectancy has soared, birthrates have declined, leaving fewer and fewer workers to support the ballooning number of retirees. In 1950, [the system] was solidly supported with 16 workers paying for each retiree; today, there are just over three workers per beneficiary. † The increase in average life expectancy has created a problem for the Social Security system becauseCorrect B ) more people are collecting retirement benefits. The two broad categories of government spending are Correct B ) the purchase of goods and services and payments to disadvantaged groups. Although direct mail and special events are typical fundraising methods, one senator who was challenging an incumbent got the most money from his own personal phone calls to donors. Correct A ) True Transfer payments from the government to individuals or other levels of government might be used for all of the following EXCEPT Correct C ) maintenance of the armed forces. A Value-added tax is CorrectA ) tax placed on the value that manufacturers add at the end of production. B ased on this passage: â€Å"Every year at this time, Congress discovers, with a great public show of dismay and indignation, the existence of the American tax code and the agency that administers it, the Internal Revenue Service. There are high-minded calls for abolishing the current tax system and replacing it. Around April 15, Congress likes to pretend that the tax code just sort of appeared or just happened. But the Constitution puts the burden of taxes solely, exclusively and entirely on Congress' shoulders.The tax code is the way it is because a majority of Congress wants it that way. Members of Congress probably like to pretend that the tax code just â€Å"sort of appeared† because they Correct B ) don't want voters to associate them with taxes. Leisure and creative pursuits are called Correct D ) culture The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 Correct D ) did little to benefit people without children or capital gains. Overall, who benefited most from tax reform in 1997? Corre ct C ) the top 20 percent of wage and income earners __________ is the part of the economy made up of federal, state, and local governments. CorrectB ) Public sector The flat tax Correct D ) simplifies the tax process. A value-added tax (VAT) is Correct B ) tax on the value added at every stage of the production process The alternative minimum tax Correct B ) requires people to pay a minimum tax of 20 percent. The VAT is a ______ tax. Correct D ) federal All of the following are effects of increased government spending EXCEPT Correct D ) a decrease in competition between the public and private sectors. The flat tax Correct C ) departs from ability-to-pay principle of taxation. All levels of government combined consume about Correct B ) one-third of the nation's output.All of the following EXCEPT one are advantages to a value-added tax. Correct B ) it is invisible to consumers All of the following are effects of the federal debt EXCEPT Correct D ) interest rates are lowered. An examp le of mandatory spending is financing for Correct A ) interest payments on the federal debt. The pay-as-you-go provision is Correct D ) requirement that new spending proposals or tax cuts must be offset by reductions elsewhere. Who pays for the maintenance on the state highway linking Tyler, Texas, with Corsicana, Texas? Correct C ) Texas The sequence for the approval of the federal budget is CorrectB ) president to Congress back to president. Based on the facts given in the passage: â€Å"One result of the current Social Security debate has been to concentrate the public's mind on the true economic condition of the elderly. While the top 20% of seniors are relatively affluent? almost all of the rest are highly dependent on Social Security. The program provided at least half of the total income of more than 55% of senior citizens and at least 75% of the total income of more than a third. Social Security lifted 11. 4 million seniors-or nearly half of the 65-and-older population-out of poverty, cutting the elderly's poverty rate from 47. % to 11. 9%. ,† approximately how many Americans are age 65 or older? Correct C ) slightly under 22. 8 million Of the four categories listed below, which accounts for the largest amount of local expenditures? Correct B ) public utilities Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of the federal deficit to the federal debt? Correct B ) The federal deficit leads to borrowing, which adds to the federal debt. According to the passage: â€Å"One result of the current Social Security debate has been to concentrate the public's mind on the true economic condition of the elderly.While the top 20% of seniors are relatively affluent? almost all of the rest are highly dependent on Social Security. The program provided at least half of the total income of more than 55% of senior citizens and at least 75% of the total income of more than a third. Social Security lifted 11. 4 million seniors-or nearly half of th e 65-and-older population-out of poverty, cutting the elderly's poverty rate from 47. 6% to 11. 9%. ,† about what percentage of the elderly would be living in poverty if the Social Security system did not exist? Correct A ) 47. 6% The United States government accumulated huge deficits during the 1980's due toCorrect C ) a doubling of spending on national defense. All of the following are differences between the federal debt and private debt EXCEPT Correct C ) the federal debt is the total amount of money borrowed from investors. Interest on debt is Correct D ) costs incurred by both state and local governments for borrowing money Which of the following is NOT an example of a local government? Correct C ) neighborhood associations The federal debt is Correct D ) amount borrowed to finance deficit spending budget with neither a surplus or deficit Which of the following is an example of an entitlement payment?Correct B ) federal money given to a senior citizen as a Social Securit y payment All of the following are local officials with approval power for spending EXCEPT Correct D ) the tax assessor. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of the federal deficit to the federal debt? Correct B ) The federal deficit leads to borrowing, which adds to the federal debt. From the choices below, identify when the federal government began significant deficit spending. Correct C ) 1980's Of the four categories listed below, which accounts for the largest amount of state expenditures?Correct D ) higher education Who formulates the federal budget? Correct C ) the president Of the four categories listed below, which accounts for the largest amount of local expenditures? Correct B ) public utilities Based on the passage: â€Å"The Aztec in Central America used cacao beans, from which chocolate is made, as money. Prices varied from a few beans for a piece of fruit to several thousand for an enslaved person. Aztec merchants had to take care when se lling expensive items. Payment usually came stored in sacks, and the sacks might contain counterfeit money-bean husks filled with mud. What type of money did the Aztec use? Correct D ) commodity money Which of the following statements about a gold standard is FALSE? Correct C ) It is easier to expand the money supply. The United States government ended the gold standard in Correct B ) 1934. Based on the passage: † To get its new Sacajawea dollar into circulation, the U. S. Mint has issued more than 500 million of the golden coins since the end of January, not only to banks, but also to Wal-Mart and Sam's club stores. But in what may be the greatest coin trick ever, the dollars have all but vanished.People are making them into jewelry, auctioning them off on eBay, and leaving them under pillows on behalf of the tooth fairy-anything but spending them†¦. The Mint expects Sacajawea to be back in circulation by year-end, when more than a billion of the dollars will have been m inted and the novelty, it hopes, will have worn off. † Sacajawea dollars have disappeared because many people believe they are Correct A ) worth more as a commodity than as currency. According to the passage: â€Å"After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, Russian currency was not trusted. Real money played a fairly small part in Russia's economy.Most business was conducted by barter or with IOUs. For example, workers rarely received wages in the form of cash. A bicycle factory outside the city of Perm paid its workers in bicycles! To get cash, the workers had to sell their â€Å"paychecks† More often than not, they simply traded the bicycles for the products they want. † most business in Russia, at that time, was conducted without currency because Russian currency was not Correct A ) accepted. Greenbacks and United States notes were issued to Correct A ) raise money to finance the Civil War. The value of fiat money is Correct D ) faith in the government.Th ese passages in the United States Constitution† â€Å"Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have the power: To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof and in Article 1, Section 10: No State shall coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts†¦. † made which of the following statements true at that time? Correct C ) The government could not print paper money.Which of the following statements about a gold standard is FALSE? Correct C ) It is easier to expand the money supply. The problem with Continental dollars was that Correct A ) so much was printed they became nearly worthless. Money that has an alternative use as an economic good is Correct A ) commodity money. Money functions as all of the following EXCEPT Correct D ) a measure of value. One disadvantage of using gold as a standard for money is Correct D ) paper currency holders could exchange it for gold. What is the origin of the American dollar? Correct B ) the Spanish peso and shillings Money by government decree; has no alternative value or use as a commodity is called Correct C ) fiat moneyFiat currency is also known as ________. (hint: look at the paper money in your possession. ) Correct A ) legal tender The part of modern money that we can touch consists of Correct B ) Federal Reserve Notes. Local banks in the 1800's that printed too much money were called Correct A ) wildcat banks. ________ is/are the monetary standard under which the basic currency unit is equivalent to, and can be exchanged for, a specific amount of gold Corr ect D ) Gold standard To make a difference with the Spanish peso, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton divided the dollar into Correct B ) tenths (10 equal pieces). Most stocks in the United States are traded on theCorrect B ) over-the-counter market. In what city was America's first stock exchange located? Correct B ) Philadelphia To determine Gross National Product, Correct C ) add to GDP all payments received by Americans outside the U. S. and subtract payments made to foreign-owned resources in the U. S. In 2001, the national debt was $5. 1 trillion dollars. When President Obama was inaugurated in January of 2009, the national debt was $10. 6 trillion. Sixteen months later the national debt is Correct A ) $13. 1 trillion dollars. In the Gross Domestic Product defense spending is in which sector? Correct B ) governmenGross Domestic Product is CorrectD ) dollar amount of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders in a year. Which is the best measure of th e nation's income? Correct B ) GNP Which stock exchange the largest electronic screen-based equity securities trading market in the United States. Correct D ) NASDAQ A bull market is a Correct C ) period during which stock market prices move up for several months or years in a row. The Efficient Market Hypothesis argues that Correct A ) stocks are always priced about right and bargains are hard to find. A bear market is a Correct A ) period during which stock market prices move down for several months or years in a row.The great majority of stocks in the United States are traded on Correct C ) the over-the-counter market. The Efficient Market Hypothesis argues that Correct A ) stocks are always priced about right. According to the United States Treasury, the US national debt is the Correct A ) principal amount owed by the US to its lenders, for example, China and Japan A stock transaction that is made immediately at the market price is made in the Correct B ) spot market. The larges t sector of the macroeconomy is the Correct D ) consumer sector. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) represent what market value of all U. S. stocks on the New York Stock Exchange Correct A ) fifth (20%)Which of the following is the most important aggregate of how a country is doing economically? Correct C ) gross national produce Investors who sign a contract guaranteeing them the option of selling shares of stock at a specified price in the future have agreed to a Correct D ) put option. In the model GDP = C + I + G + F, the â€Å"F† represents the Correct B ) difference between the dollar value of goods sent abroad and goods purchased from abroad. Since colonial times, the average size of a household in the United States has Correct B ) decreased. Which best describes the movement of the center of population of the United States? Correct C ) east to westBy April 2000, the population of the United States stood at about 281. 4 million people. This year's anticipated cens us will be _____ million people. Correct D ) 309 The official count of all people in the United States is called Correct D ) the decennial census. A price index is a ______________. Correct C ) a statistical series that can be used to measure changes in prices over time Real GDP is Correct D ) GDP adjusted to remove the distortion of inflation. Life expectancy is the Correct A ) average remaining life span in years for persons who attain a given age. Since colonial times, the rate of growth of the United States population has Correct B ) steadily decreased.What is the implicit GDP price deflator? Correct A ) a price index that measures price changes in GDP All of the following factors affect population growth EXCEPT Correct A ) demographers. All of the following statements about real GDP are true EXCEPT Correct C ) real GDP is the same as current GDP. Which of the following is the correct way to calculate real GDP? Correct B ) Divide current GDP by the implicit GDP price deflator an d then multiply by 100. The United States lost 600,000 soldiers during World War II and another 37,00 in the Korean War. In the years from 1946 until 1964 there were 76 million babies born. This era has been named the Correct B ) baby boom.The official count of all people in the United States is called Correct D ) the decennial census. Economists know it is important to track inflation because it Correct B ) distorts statistics about overall economic performThe mean center of United States population (using the centroid definition) has been calculated for each U. S. Census since 1790. Currently this point is located in Correct D ) Missouri. All of the following factors affect population growth EXCEPT Correct A ) demographers. To construct a price index, all of the following are needed EXCEPT Correct B ) the current inflation rate. Business cycles are Correct A ) nonsystematic upturns and downturns of real GDP.Real GDP per capita is the preferred measure of economic growth over the l ong run because Correct B ) prices and the population change over time. This marked the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929: Correct D ) stock market crash The United States experienced almost no growth in real GDP per capita Correct A ) between 1929 and 1939. Which of the following factors affect economic growth? Correct D ) all of the above Which of the following statements about economic growth is FALSE? Correct C ) Economic growth decreases the tax base. Increasing productivity results in Correct A ) increasing economic growth. An econometric model is a CorrectD ) macroeconomic model that uses algebraic equations to describe how the economy behaves. A number of factors are important to economic growth-especially the quantity and quality of the Correct C ) factors of production (A)(An) ___________ is a monthly statistical series that anticipates changes to the real GDP. Correct D ) index of leading indicators The United States experienced almost no growth in real GDP per ca pita Correct A ) between 1929 and 1939. A period during which real GDP declines for two quarters in a row, or six consecutive months, is call a(n) ___________. It begins when the economy reaches a peak, and ends when the economy reaches a trough. Correct A ) recession The passage: â€Å"A key gauge of future U. S. conomic activity declined 0. 5% last month, as the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington weakened an already troubled economy. The Conference Board said Monday its index of leading economic indicators fell to 109. 2 in September,†¦ the largest one-month decline since January 1996†¦. The index indicates where the overall U. S. economy is headed in the next three to six months†¦. The economy had been struggling for several months before the Sept. 11 attacks. Many economists have said they believe that a recession is unavoidable with the new uncertainties raised by the disaster. † discusses a business fluctuation influenced by Correct D ) external shock.The _____ is a composite index of 11 economic series that move up and down in advance of changes in the overall economy; statistical series used to predict business cycle turning points. Correct C ) econometric model Your ________ is the quality of life based on the possession of necessities and luxuries that make life easier. Correct B ) standard of living Increasing productivity results in Correct A ) increasing economic growth. The business cycle since World War II has been characterized by Correct A ) extended expansions alternating with brief recessions. Changes in ____________ expenditures are one cause of business cycles. Correct D ) capital A major feature of a __________ is its ability to increase real per capita output enough to allow people to raise their standard of living.This system also increases people's free time, allowing them to devote more attention to families, hobbies, and recreational activities. Correct C ) free enterprise economy When product ivity grows, people produce relatively ______ with the same amount of inputs, and the prices of goods and services tend to stay _______. Correct D ) more, low The change in price level is the _______. Correct B ) an increase in the general price level Prices tend to _______ during expansions and then ________ during recessions. Correct A ) rise faster, slow down To measure the price level, economists select a market basket of goods and then construct a price index such as the Correct B ) consumer price index, producer price index, or implicit GDP.Because there are always some workers who are in the process of changing jobs, there will always be some ____________ unemployment in the economy. Correct D ) frictional According to the passage: â€Å"The nation's unemployment rate rose to 4. 5 percent in June as manufacturers continued to suffer heavy job losses and demand for workers in service industries fell to the lowest level in 10 months. The Labor Department reported Friday that t he jobless rate rose 0. 1 percentage point from a 4. 4 percent rate in May. The 4. 5 percent level matched the unemployment rate in April with both months representing the highest level the jobless rate has reached in the year-long economic slowdown. † what was the highest level that unemployment reached that year? Correct D ) 4. % All of the following are theories regarding the cause of inflation EXCEPT Correct C ) cost-pull. Unemployment that occurs when a fundamental change in the operations of the economy reduces the demand for workers and their skills is called ___________ unemployment. Correct A ) technological The ________ curve is a curve that shows how much the actual distribution of income varies from an equal distribution. Correct B ) Lorenz At the peak of the Great Depression 1 out of ____ were unemployed. Correct A ) 4 A relatively low rate of inflation, usually 1 to 3 percent annually is Correct A ) creeping inflation A booming economy. Record-low unemployment.A blizzard of pink slips [a note stating that a person has been fired]. What's wrong with this picture? The fact is, even in the best of times hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs through no fault of their own†¦. You might not get any advance warning, so don't be caught off guard. Have an up-to-date resume and networking system†¦. You want to be able to launch your job search soon after you get the bad news. What type of unemployment does this passage describe? Correct D ) frictional The unemployment rate understates employment conditions for all of the following reasons EXCEPT Correct A ) some workers are â€Å"between jobs† for one reason or another. Galloping inflation is CorrectB ) intense form of inflation that can go as high as 100 to 300 percent The passage: â€Å"For all the recent talk of cutting taxes, Congress rarely cuts them when the economy is growing robustly, as it is now, and unemployment is low. The worry among economists is that the extr a money in people's pockets may make an already strong economy too strong, finally stoking inflation after a long period of relatively stable prices. † describes rising inflation as a possible result of Correct B ) a booming economy. According to the demand-pull theory, inflation is caused by Correct D ) consumers. Full employment is reached when the employment rate drops below _____ percent. Correct B ) 4. 5 Changes in technology and changes in consumer tastes can cause Correct B ) structural unemployment.According to the demand-pull theory, inflation is caused by Correct D ) all of the above. Unemployment that is directly related to swings in the business cycle is Correct C ) cyclical unemployment According to the passage: â€Å"The Bank of Amsterdam was established in Holland in 1609. At that time, Amsterdam was a center of world trade. More than 340 different kinds of silver coins and about 500 types of gold coins circulated throughout the city. Dutch merchants had little idea how much these coins were worth, so the Bank of Amsterdam was set up under a charter from the city to standardize the currency. The Bank of Amsterdam operated as Holland's central bank for more than 200 years.After making a series of bad loans, however, it failed and went out of business in 1819-almost 100 years before America's central bank was founded. † why did the Bank of Amsterdam stop operating? Correct C ) It made bad loans. actions by the Federal Reserve System to expand or contract the money supply in order to affect the cost and availability of credit Correct D ) monetary policy A portion of the deposits in the form of coins and currency that banks and other depository institutions are required to hold are called ________ reserves. Correct D ) legal The quantity theory of money holds that excessive increases in the monetary supply Correct C ) lead to inflation.Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan decided seven years ago to publicize the central bank's intere st-rate moves once they were made. Now, each meeting of the Fed-whether the central bank changes rates or not-triggers a chorus of instant analysis of what it means for the economy and the financial markets. Which function of the Federal Reserve is the subject of this passage? Correct C ) regulating the money supply The Fed remains largely independent from politics for all of the following reasons EXCEPT Correct D ) the president and Congress appoint new members to vacant seats on the Board of Governors. he dilemma faced by the Fed when considering monetary policy is the choice between Correct A ) inflation and interest rates.Based on this quotation: â€Å"Not too many years ago, Federal Reserve officials conducted monetary policy as if they were members of the Politburo plotting behind the thick walls of the Kremlin. † the author believed that the Federal Reserve had been too Correct D ) secretive. When command economies make the transition to capitalism, they face all of th e following challenges except Correct A ) the Gosplan. Correct B ) debts and obligations. The Fed has defined different categories of money, M1 and M2, according to the money's Correct B ) function. Repeated short-run attempts to keep interest rates low result in a _________ of the money supply, making inflation _________. Correct A ) long-term expansion, worse e FED has defined M2 as Correct A ) represents the components of the money supply that most closely conform to money's role as a. store of value. Which letter designations mark Fed actions that will expand the money supply? Correct B ) Lower reserve requirement, Buy bonds, Lower discount rate. The ___________ is the interest the Fed charges on loans to financial institutions. Correct D ) discount rate Assets are Correct A ) properties, possessions, and claims on others. n the long run, changes in the supply of money affect the ____________. Correct C ) general level of prices Which letter designations mark Fed actions that wi ll contract the money supply? CorrectC ) Raise reserve requirement, Sell bonds, Raise discount rate For a bank to be profitable, how much of a spread must it maintain between the rate it charges on loans and the rate it pays for borrowed funds? Correct B ) 2-3 percent A balance sheet shows all of the following EXCEPT Correct A ) bank assets on the right of the T account. All of the following are tools of monetary policy EXCEPT Correct C ) tight money controls. The dilemma faced by the Fed when considering monetary policy is the choice between Correct A ) inflation and interest rates. The price of credit is the ______. Correct A ) rate of interest At times the Fed monetizes the debt in order to CorrectB ) keep interest rates from rising. In the short run, monetary policy affects Correct C ) interest rates and available credit. The social costs of economic instability include all of the following EXCEPT Correct A ) stagflation. Those who favor supply-side policies would tend to suppor t the government playing Correct B ) a reduced role in the economy. Monetarism is described as Correct D ) emphasis on the role of money and its growth as a key to controlling inflation and unemployment. Deregulation is most closely associated with Correct D ) supply-side economics. Economic instability wastes all of the following EXCEPT Correct C ) tax revenues.According to John Maynard Keynes's theory of the multiplier-accelerator effect, a decline in investment spending will Correct B ) lead to a downward spiral of the economy. ____________ policies are federal policies designed to increase or decrease total demand in the economy by shifting the aggregate demand curve to the right or to the left. Correct D ) Demand-side Aggregate demand will increase Correct D ) if consumers save less and spend more. Unlike demand-side economics, supply-side economics Correct A ) advocates reduced government involvement in business. The unofficial statistic that is the sum of monthly inflation an d the unemployment rate; same as discomfort index is Correct B ) misery indexAccording to Keynesian economics, only the _________ sector is big enough to step in and offset changes in investment sector spending. Correct B ) consumer The ____________ is the sum of the monthly inflation and unemployment rates. Correct A ) misery index Which is an example of the uncertainty caused by economic instability? Correct B ) A consumer delays a purchase. Social costs are Correct D ) price of economic instability in human terms. The _____________ like unemployment insurance and Social Security protect consumers and the economy in general if economic conditions worsen. Correct A ) automatic stabilizers Which of the following statements is FALSE? Correct B ) Economic instability is at the root of all social problems. John Maynard Keynes CorrectD ) introduced his theories in 1936. The social costs of economic instability include all of the following EXCEPT Correct A ) stagflation. Economists measu re the cost of economic instability with Correct D ) both a and b Wage price controls are Correct B ) regulations making it illegal for businesses to give workers raises or to raise prices without the explicit permission of the government. Stagflation is ________. Correct B ) period of stagnant growth combined with inflation The use of government spending and taxing to influence economic activity is called _ Correct B ) fiscal A period of stagnant growth combined with inflation is known as ____________. CorrectB ) stagnation The basis for international trade stems from Correct B ) the differences in production costs from one country to another. The Council of Economic Advisers Correct C ) advises the president on economic developments and strategy. The three-member group that reports on economic developments and proposes strategies to the president is called the Correct A ) Council of Economic Advisers. Which is the best description of the role of the Council of Economic Advisers? C orrect A ) report economic developments and propose strategies The nation's monetary policy Correct A ) often comes under attack from politicians. The United States imports CorrectC ) billions of dollars in products each year. Which of the following is proof that international trade is beneficial? Correct C ) the fact that free nations choose to trade vThe three-member group that reports on economic developments to the president is called the Correct B ) Council of Economic Advisers. A country has a(n) ___________ whenever it is able to produce more of a given product than another. Correct A ) absolute advantage ____________ economic policies grew out of the unemployment and other problems that occurred during the Great Depression of the 1930's. Correct D ) Demand-side All of the following describe economists EXCEPT CorrectB ) economists are sharply divided into competing schools of thought with little overlap of ideas and beliefs. If a country wants to trade a product with another country, it must have a(n) ___________ in the production of that product. Correct D ) comparative advantage Alpha can produce either 10 apples or 3 oranges. Beta can produce either 12 apples or 3 oranges. Correct C ) Beta has an absolute advantage in the production of apples. Imports are Correct B ) goods and services that one country buys from other countries. The ability of a country to produce a product with greater output per unit of input is Correct A ) absolute advantage. . A country has a comparative advantage when it can

Choose To Have An Abortion Essay

Abortion, a word you have all heard or said. It is a word that has been in conversations and debates across the country. There is the pro-life side, and the pro-choice side. Abortion is a choice for women, not the government. Women today have the choice of self-determination, to determine whether or not they want to bear children. Religious leaders are trying to abolish the idea of separation of church and state by influencing the government into making a law that favors their religion. The government should not be influenced by these religions if they want to remain constitutional. How would you feel if you were a woman who has been unexpectedly impregnated and all of a sudden, you would have to drop everything you have done in your life, school, and work? How would your friends and family react to this? What would happen to your social status? This is the dilemma many women face who have had an unwanted pregnancy. Children have been born into homes that were not expecting a baby or unsuitable homes where the parents live in poverty. Children born into unsuitable homes will frequently have social, physical and mental problems. Whether the parents don’t have enough money to support the child, or there is an abusive parent, the child will be damaged and wont have a proper upbringing. â€Å"Unwanted children are [also] more likely to commit crimes.† If the child was expected and was planned, most likely the parents will take the proper precautions in having a baby, such as getting financially situated and having a nice home in a good neighborhood. Abortion can be very necessary in special cases. Consider this: a 12-year-old girl is walking home from her school, and she is raped. After a doctor’s checkup, she finds out that she is pregnant. This is a twelve-year-old girl, should she have to have a child when it wasn’t even her fault? She would have to care for this baby her entire life. But in this day and age, there is the choice of abortion. She and her family could take advantage of modern technology to save their daughter’s life. She could just put it up for adoption, right? Wrong. This poor girl would have to endure labor, and then the child would have to endure growing up without his or her real mother. There are also many problems with adoption. Adopted children will always have emotional issues concerning being adopted and dealing with the fact the parents they thought were their biological parents actually aren’t. Adopted  children frequently grow up to be problem teens and adults. So if adoption is your anti-abortion, then there are more complications than you thought. Abortion doesn’t stop with the legality issues. Abortions will still happen, whether they are legal or not. The problem is that these â€Å"back-alley† abortions are extremely unsafe. In past years, thousands of women have died from illegal abortions. The women who died were simply trying to practice their right to self-determination. The cultural and religious views of abortion continue to be an extremely heated debate. The Roman Catholic Church, Hinduism, and Buddhism teach that the soul enters the body at or before conception. Whereas Judaism, Islam, and–of course–Atheism, say that â€Å"the fetus is not yet a full human being, and thus killing a fetus is not murder.† The Roman Catholic Church is one of the most vocal of the religions. They say abortion is terminating a human life, but the other side disagrees. Now religious leaders, especially those from the Roman Catholic Church, are attempting to make their beliefs into laws for the entire country. They are attempting to abolish the law of separation of church and state, written in the Constitution. They say, that since most of the country believes that abortion is wrong, that means the other religions, that don’t believe that, should believe it anyway. They are disregarding the fact that they aren’t the only religion in the United States. Another idea in the Constitution is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If women have those constitutional rights, that means they have a right to have a life, and be happy. If being happy means not having a child, then their right is to have a choice of abortion. One other idea that an amendment to the Constitution states is the right of privacy. The fourteenth amendment says that a citizen has a right to privacy, or the right of a woman to terminate her pregnancy. Any law that makes abortion illegal violates the Due Process Clause of the fourteenth amendment, and therefore is unconstitutional. This idea was stated in the  Roe v. Wade decision. In conclusion, abortion should remain legal. Abortion should be a choice. Abortion should not be up to the government or any religious leaders; it should be a choice for the woman. The woman that has an unwanted pregnancy should decide whether she is able to support a baby, and whether she is able to provide a safe environment for a baby. To make abortion illegal, would be taking away a woman’s right to privacy, and her right to life, liberty and happiness. Just think about what you would do in a situation where you had an unwanted pregnancy that directly affected you. Keep thinking about the women out there that would have to raise a child under horrible conditions like poverty and abuse. Think about the children that would grow up in an unsuitable home, who do one thing wrong, and get persecuted by the government that could have saved their life. The government has a choice to make: A choice whether to listen to the religious leaders demanding that abortion is wrong, or to listen to the women and children who would be affected by this law. You decide whether you think abortion is killing a baby–or saving a life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Facebook effects Essay

THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF FACEBOOK A Keeping in touch with family and friends-Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with your family and friends that live far away with instant messaging and even video chat. Facebook is the perfect environment to stay connected with the status updates, photos, and profile, information it can keep you updated on the happeningof all your close ones. B Making new friends-Facebook makes meeting new people extremely easy due to the facts that it allow you to add to thousands of friends, and acts as a social melting pot of the internet. If you comment on a friends status and one of their friends comment on it maybe you too will strike up your own conversation. This can lead to a great friendship down the road. Those people find it a lot easier to start a conversation with someone over facebook that it real life. So a lot of high school relationships tend to start there. It’s as so a lot of high school relationship tend to start there. It’s as simple as a â€Å"you should text me some time. C Expressing yourself. Facebook makes expressing yourself very simple with status updates. Between showing of your favorite song lyrics to posting pictures of your new outfit. Facebook is the most common way the people express themselves these days. It is a lot harder to feel embarrassment over the internet than in person, so people find it easier to â€Å"event† their feeling on facebook. Claim that it is a worldwide distraction and even obsession that amount to nothing except for significant amounts of the time wasted there is even a group that is trying to stunt the influence. THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF FACEBOOK A Cyber bullying-on Facebook is very easy to cyber bullies to thrive. They can harras and/or gang up one person even easier than they could in a school environment. There aren’t moderators that go around monitoring what people say to each other. Anything can be said. There are also a relatively small amount of parents that have facebook accounts and keep up with their children. More than once we witnessed this form of bullying, whether it be about race appearance, intelligence. B Stalker friendly-Facebook is very stalker friendly website the eoretically, someone that you don’t even know can say that they go to your school, add you and get all of your information this way include your phone number, house address and locations you visit frequently. Not to mention the fact that they will be able to go through all of your pictures and get to know you completely without you ever knowing. This is a scary thought but it is a real issue. Social networking site have several types of users the stalker, the smooth talker, the quiet type the narcissist, Mr, Mrs. Friendly, the games, and the bully are just a few names that I use to describe some of them when using facebookas any type of social networking site one should always be aware. C Distraction- At the end of the day you may have seen your cousin’s new outfit and talked to your sister who is in college, but you still haven’t really accomplished anything in the hour that you were on. Critics of facebook claim that it is a worldwide distraction and even obsession that amount to nothing except for significant amount to nothing of the time wasted. There is even a group that is trying to stunt the influence of facebook.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The fast fashion retail sector in the UK with reference to two Essay

The fast fashion retail sector in the UK with reference to two value-fashion specialists, T.K. Maxx and Primark - Essay Example The selected companies are T.K. Maxx and Primark, two value-fashion retailers that have larger presence in the UK. Both T.K. Maxx and Primark are held by larger holding companies, TJX Companies and Associated British Foods, respectively. The report begins by giving descriptions of these two companies, their target markets and profitability. To pace the report in context, we next evaluate the macro-environment using PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal) approach. After that, we look at the competitive environment using Porter’s five forces analysis. The report is then concluded with an analysis of the core strategies deployed by these two firms as well as the challenges that emanate. 2.0. Company descriptions 2.1. Primark Primark Stores Limited is a retailer of affordable fashion that has 232 stores as at December 10, 2011, in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands (Primark, 2011). It is par t of Associated British Foods (ABF), a diversified international food, ingredients and retail group. Primark contributed 28% of ABF’s total group revenue in 2011 which was 13% greater than 2010s figures (Associated British Foods, 2011). In 2010 Primark was UK’s largest clothing retailer with sales of ?3,043m, closely followed by ASDA and Marks & Spencer (Shields, 2010). The company sources its apparel mainly from manufacturing units in China, India, Turkey and Bangladesh, but also sources from other countries as well. Its target market is the fashion-conscious under 35s and its positioning is to offer the best value on the high street. Primark sells a range of fashion items that includes... This report seeks to compare the strategy of two retailers with a UK presence competing in the same market sector and segment. The selected companies are T.K. Maxx and Primark, two value-fashion retailers that have larger presence in the UK. Both T.K. Maxx and Primark are held by larger holding companies, TJX Companies and Associated British Foods, respectively. The report begins by giving descriptions of these two companies, their target markets and profitability. To pace the report in context, we next evaluate the macro-environment using PESTEL approach. After that, we look at the competitive environment using Porter’s five forces analysis. The report is then concluded with an analysis of the core strategies deployed by these two firms as well as the challenges that emanate. The fast fashion industry has been turned on its head by the emergence of value-retailers such as Primark and T.K. Maxx. Primark has utilized its lean and efficient supply chain, limited operation costs and store location and size to create its competitive advantage in the sector. On the other hand, T.K. Maxx has exploited the strategies of opportunistic buying, pricing and flexible business model as its competitive advantage. Neither company has fully exploited online retailing as an alternative business model despite its steady growth in the UK. Also, the companies are overly reliant on the UK market for bulk of their sales and profits whereas they could exploit the larger European Union to increase their profitability.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Cultural Breakaway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Cultural Breakaway - Essay Example Scott does not only present Kiowa traditional myths, but helps us to create and relate Kiowa culture. Through a well examined process of mentally forming a clear picture of traditional stories, Scott’s view on contemporary cultural life, the reader is placed at a point of being able to offer a personal appreciation of the fluctuating experience of Kiowa as a culture. Momaday fit into the historic times of the Indian society coming at a time of American imagination, not as the end of the long trail, but coming into full view as an Indian contemporary society. Momaday puts into context and relates to the audience his views. In his description he talks about how his ancestors are buried in that land so that he puts a claim on the land through his memory. The wild animals knew this very well, the weather was fast changing and winter was vividly fast approaching, it was during that time of the year that even the bravest of all animals had to seek warmth and comfort in order to shie ld itself from the adverse winter time. The cold is sharp and straight reaching even up to the bones chilling throughout the body. The branches of the tree turn bare and their beauty gone, as Scott puts it â€Å"that winter brings blizzards, hot tornadic winds.† ... Best captured in Hoffman’s own ideas â€Å"It is indeed a feeling whose shades and degrees am destined to know quite intimately, but at this hovering moment, it comes upon me like a visitation from a whole new geography of emotions, an annunciation of how much an absence can hurt.† We had moved into this new area some six months ago, when my family had to flee due to the great tsunami that made everybody move out of my former city to this new environment. Reflecting back at my childhood, I come across darkened imagination of the place where we had come from. Deep within me there is a feeling that I don’t want to be separated from my childhood memories, the sweet moments and the little jokes and games that we used to play with my friends at our countryside home. Every situation around me seems bleak offering no meaning, losing my childhood memories, my thoughts are stuck in a moody situation refused to move and think on. This kind of winter weather is indeed pure beauty, it surrounds trees and bushes. It’s a whole new form of world; the getaway. Several years have passed, it is now indeed a new culture and life for me, things are different now, at a friend’s party I meet a lady in her early twenties; who had also been separated from her childhood. They must also have apparently left China during that time, we talk issues of how a part of her has since then been missing ever since that time. Her journey as she vividly describes that â€Å"It was a long journey toward the dawn, and it led to the golden age† (Momaday 2), and along the way they have interacted with a different type of people that have in a much deeper sense influenced their culture and religion. That aspect of cultural

The Civil War in Sierra Leone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Civil War in Sierra Leone - Research Paper Example Marked with occasional military coups, the weak governments installed (mainly through international intervention) did not last long enough to oversee meaningful development or even stabilization, which has left a mark of continued failure and backwardness in the country. Several factors have been attributed to the onset of the civil war. Many researchers appear to settle for the more widely known reason: the independence government and other governments that followed did not attend to the grievances of the growing marginalized population. As a result, inaction created a very large group of aggrieved young men, who could not get decent employment since they were either semiliterate or completely illiterate. The government of the day had adopted a new system that promoted education as an exclusive preserve of the privileged. The marginalized population resorted to guerrilla warfare to ascend to power. This paper provides an analysis of the lack of authority that the government showed during the war. Several fights have involved children below the age of eighteen years, including the one in Southern Sudan. However, there was no direct involvement of children in their masses as witnessed when the Revolutionary United Front began its anti-government operations in Sierra Leone. The appalling picture of thousands of underage fighters engaging military officers with better equipment led to a lack of trust in the government. The government was viewed as one unable to uphold the rights of children and refugees at the general. The perception soon transformed into one of feeling betrayed and unprotected, especially when the nation witnessed the fast speed at which the militia was capturing provinces.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How to make university more international Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to make university more international - Essay Example Foreign students, while in lectures, are comfortable sharing with their comrades. Once classes are up, they tend to retreat into their respective ethnic and cultural cocoons (Wu, 2012). This is damaging to the principle of integration of the academic community that University education is grounded on. Universities in the East and Africa have also introduced original, western sports curricular in their programs. This has led to foreign students feeling welcome. Universities in India, for example, have introduced Soccer to integrate foreign students from Europe. This has seen over 80% of Indian sub-continent Universities introducing Soccer into their sports curriculum (SuaÃŒ rez, 2007). While lack of foreign sport is not a problem per se, it is a limitation that, if addressed in the right manner could have a dramatic impact on the University’s social community. The best way to introduce this into schools would be via provision of funding for the construction of new sport gymnasiums and playfields, while also increasing funding for research into these sports, since sports science is not a priority in Eastern countries (SuaÃŒ rez, 2007). Naturally, this would start with one sport that would act as the pilot project. A review of its success after a set period would act as a pointer at the potential foreign sport has in integrating foreign students fully into University programs & curriculum. Introduction of foreign sports on campus grounds would achieve much more than integration. Foreign teams that specialize in this sport would provide funding for sport science studies, with native students benefiting from this via increased funds to the University sport kitty. Native students would also be encouraged to try their hand at these games. Examples include Tae Kwon do from Korea, Ping pa from China, and American football. Since some are Olympic Games, foreign athletes would use the facilities for training, thus giving native students who try their hand at these

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Barefoot Running vs Traditional Running, The Pros and Cons Research Paper

Barefoot Running vs Traditional Running, The Pros and Cons - Research Paper Example While some dismiss the growing trend of barefoot running as a mere fad, some believe it will be a new wave in the history of sports. Innumerable debates have ensued in popular media over which one, barefoot running or shod running, is better, more beneficial and safer. However, scientific evidence is not yet enough to settle the debate. A lot of research has gone into analyzing the biomechanics, impact characteristics, etc of traditional and barefoot running and based on the findings of these studies, the pros and cons of both types of running have been weighed. The use of cushioned and protective footwear for running began in the 1970s with the invention of modern running shoes (Lieberman et al. 531). Prior to this invention, humans ran with none or minimal footwear. Human ancestors used simple and minimal foot coverings such as moccasins made of leather (Jenkins and Cauthon 231). Earlier dogmas claim that human feet are â€Å"evolutionarily unsuccessful† and that they are fr agile because of which protective cushioning for the feet is vital (Jenkins and Cauthon 231). However, this dogma was refuted by a study in Nature, which argues that human ancestors, who practiced barefoot running, were remarkably good at endurance running and that it may have been â€Å"instrumental in the evolution of the human body form† (Bramble and Lieberman 345). ... As most of the present research on this subject is yet inconclusive and is still in progress, it cannot be ascertained as to whether barefoot running is better than shod running, but the pros and cons can however be weighed based on currently available evidence. I. Pros of Barefoot Running vs. Traditional Running A. Less susceptibility to injury in barefoot running The surging interest in barefoot running has been largely because the rates of running-related injuries are high amongst shod runners as compared to barefoot runners (Robillard 13; Edwards, Foster and Wallack 150). Kerrigan et al. (2009) have shown that the hip, knee and ankle joints are more prone to injury in shod runners than in barefoot runners, making them more susceptible to disorders such as knee osteoarthritis. In another study, Hamill et al. (2011) found that the footfall patterns in shod running and barefoot running are different, and therefore, the impact patterns of the two types of running vary from one anothe r. The differences in impact patterns are responsible for varying extents of injury caused by both types of running. Robbins and Hanna have also shown that barefoot running populations report an extremely low frequency of running related injury (148). They further state that the human foot has developed adaptations that result in shock absorption and these adaptations are non-functional in traditional running. Many other studies such as those by Warburton have found that barefoot running is associated with a significantly low rate of acute ankle injuries and chronic lower leg injuries. Scientific data as to the level of protection of athletic

Monday, September 23, 2019

Design in 21 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design in 21 - Research Paper Example Steve Jobs also grew up in a period where there was freedom of expression, in America, and when the culture was very tolerant and open. In college, the favorite subject of Steve Jobs was typography. He was able to make a connection on how fonts were able to influence the contents of a design and their audience. Steve Jobs spent most of his years studying the philosophies of eastern nations, and their holistic values (Shea, 11). These values are all manifested into the product philosophy of Apples, through its production of a seamless, sleek, simple and integrated design. The first product made by Apple that was able to change the field of design is the invention and the design of the Macintosh computer system which had a Graphic User Interface (GUI). This computer system was introduced in 1983, and it was meant for designers (lumenthal, 23). This system came with an input device and a mouse which would make it possible for an individual to allow computer drawings, and accurate cursor control. This system also came with a MacPaint, MacWrite and other fonts which allowed designers to lay out pages that they could print. On this basis, this design by Apples ushered in a new period of Desktop Publishing. This completely changed the field of design, by ushering in, the era of digital design (Shea, 33). On this basis, the computer systems that were using Apple’s GUI became a standard system for all computers that were being manufactured worldwide. The demands of GUI enabled computers were very high, and they revolutionalized the design world whereby the digital artist had a new media platform that could help him or her to create and design products (lumenthal, 22). Following the successes of these Macintosh computers, Steve Jobs and Apples separated for a period of ten years. Steve Jobs pursued his business interests by developing computer software’s that were able to be used in the fields of animations. However, after ten years, Steve Jobs was able to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free

Drunk Driving Essay Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things you can do. There is a mass of research evidence to show that driving performance and reaction times are seriously affected by alcohol. Our law in Georgia states, that it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds . 10%. Georgia observes a per se law. (Craft) If you drink and drive, you are not only a danger to yourself but also to your passenger, other road users and pedestrians. In fact, every 30 minutes, someone in this country dies in alcohol-related crash. Every 30 minutes! And last year alone more than one million people are injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down body reactions and the working of the brain. Each year drunk driving is responsible for about 25% of these deaths. The risks of drinking are alcohol-related accidents and violence. The effects of alcohol are poor coordination and slurred speech, double vision, decrease of self-control loss of consciousness and death. There are legal consequences due to drinking also. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions becomes impaired. After just one drink, a driver can lose their ability to perform the tasks necessary to drive a car. At a certain point, a driver will become illegally intoxicated and can be arrested for attempting to operate a motor vehicle. In every state on out country there is a legal limit to how much alcohol you can have in your body if you are driving. If you drink and drive you can lose your drivers license and even go to jail. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teens and young adults. More than 5,000 young people die every year in car crashes and thousands more are injured. Drivers who are 16 years old are more than 20 times as likely to have a crash, as are other drivers. There are two main reasons why teens are at a higher for being in a car crash and lack of driving experience and their tendency to take risks while driving. Teens drive faster and do not control the car as well as more experienced drivers. Their judgment in traffic is often insufficient to avoid a crash. In addition, teens do most of their driving at night, which can be even more difficult. Standard drivers education classes include 30 hours of classroom teaching and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training. This is not enough time to fully train a new driver. Teen drivers are more like to be influence by peers and other stresses and distractions. This can lead to reckless driving behaviors such as speeding, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and not wearing safety belts. There is no safe amount that you can drink and still drive. Even one drink can influence your driving offences. Nowadays, drunk driving has become driving while intoxicated, driving while impaired, driving while under the influence, operating while under the influence (impaired, intoxicated, or whatever), and in many states, one can be convicted of DUI even though the police didnt even see you drive. (JMD) It is often too late by the time they seek help. They face losing their license; having embarrassing court appearances, press coverage and heavy fines. Many are just ordinary people who have a few social drinks, get behind the wheel and then get pulled over by the police. Such as Henri Paul that thought he was not too drunk to drive. However, evidence proves otherwise in this report that states, French pathologists drew five separate samples: blood from directly above the heart; also urine, eye fluid, bile and hair. These showed: a. A blood-alcohol level of about 180 milligrams per 100 mil. equivalent to eight or nine scotch whiskies, which is three times over the legal limit in France. b. A little over 20% carboxyhemoglobin, which is inhaled carbon monoxide. c. Traces of two drugs, the antidepressant Prozac and Tiapridal, a drug used to treat alcohol addiction; the Prozac taken regularly since May that year, and the Tiapridal since July. So try to manage your life so that you do not drink and drive. If you go out for a drink, try to go somewhere that you can reach either on foot or by public transportation. Think about sharing the driving on different days with a group of people so that you can take turns at driving. If you do drink even though you meant not to, and you went out with your vehicle, consider taking a taxi or take a Saferide home and leave your vehicle behind. (Saferide) This is a whole lot cheaper than getting prosecuted! Work Cites Craft, Stephen. Interview with Winde Rovira. A ttorney at Law licensed in Georgia and Alabama. 8 March 2000 Saferide. http://www. baddpage. com/saferide. html JMD. DUI Help Website (2000) all rights reserved by jmd-ent. com http://www. dui-help. com/index1. html Bartram, John. The Mysteries Surrounding Princess Dianas Death http://dianaconspiracy. homepage. com/.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Teaching Essays E-Learning Students Education

Teaching Essays E-Learning Students Education E-Learning Students Education Abstract: With the enormous spreading of e-learning over the last 15 years, quality of e-learning has been often criticized and tied up to poor provision. It has become important for higher education institutions to show the ability to provide high quality programmes. A variety of perspectives on what should be considered when evaluating the quality of e-learning. Some studies have addressed this topic from a more comprehensively view while other have looked at single perspective. This study aims at exploring this subject to develop a framework of critical factors necessary for the evaluation of quality in e-learning system, and to explore the relevancy and importance of the E-learning in Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the literature of this topic was reviewed thoroughly to identify the factors that constitute the evaluation framework and 12 factors have been addressed. The empirical research was lying on a methodological quantitative approach where data was collected from learners in Sa udi Arabia based from their experience in E-learning. Introduction Nowadays, higher education is experiencing big challenges driven by many emerging trends, among which is the introduction of means of online learning. Accordingly, many universities all over the world are taking different moves to cope with the new requirements; some universities were established as purely online learning providers, other conventional universities launched new online programs, and some introduced online learning programmes to enhance some of their already existing programs. E-Learning redefines the teaching/learning processes and the overall learning environment. It change the old university system to a new set of practices by introducing significant changes in the roles of its main key players; learners, faculty members and the institution as an entity (Mendenhall, 2001). The change which e-learning brings to higher education accompanied by its vast spreading as an accepted learning delivery mode has been always questioned by its components who tie this type of learning to poor quality. Therefore, studying the different aspects of evaluating the quality of e-learning has been rising as an issue that worth researching and enhancing (Kistan, 2005; Wirth, 2005). A big range of perspectives on what factors to address when evaluating the quality of e-learning has been developed. Nevertheless; most of those studies either addressed few factors to a single aspect or dimension (Ally, 2004) or addressed multiple aspects but without looking at the e-learning institution comprehensively (Cohen and Ellis, 2004). In view of the lack of a holistic framework of factors to evaluate the quality of e-learning programs; this study aims hopefully at contributing to the body of knowledge in E-learning practice. Research objective: The main principle of this study is to evaluate the quality of e-learning through investigating the related critical factors that been identified by researchers and practitioners in this field. It also intends to study the importance of such framework in the e-learning practise in Saudi Arabia. The study aims also at understanding how the key learners and faculty members differ in perceiving the importance of such factors on impacting the quality of an e-learning program? Research Question: The research intends to answer in broad perspective the following questions as well: What are the factors which are affecting the quality of e-learning? In this question the researcher are trying to address the quality factors which affecting the success of E-learning in Saudi Arabia based on 12 factors have been address from the literature. How can we increase the e-learning practice in Saudi Arabia? The second question are to know what is the best way to increase the number of E-learning practise in Saudi Arabia and what do the learner think based on their experience. Dissertation structure: This dissertation includes six chapters in addition to its introduction. Below is a brief description of each: Chapter two; outlining the background information of the research to puts the reader into the perspective of this study. The chapter includes a discussion of the emerging trends in higher education that have pushed for the introduction of e-learning and discusses broadly the quality issue in this type of learning. Chapter three; covers the literature review of the e-learning, i.e. critical factors for evaluating the quality of e-learning programs. The chapter starts with identifying the distinctions between e-learning and traditional education, discusses in details the definition of the Quality concept in higher education generally and in e-learning in specific. Chapter four; Cover the research methodology such as the process of data collection and analysis which will be used. Chapter Five; we will be describing and analysing the data and presents the data gathered. Results of the analysis are then discussed. Chapter six; this chapter summarizes the study, lay out the conclusion and ends up with recommendations for future research. Bibliography Research Methodology: In this study the researcher are going to collect his data by quantitative method where a questionnaire will be designed based on the factors which have been discovered from the literature review and then will be sent to random group in Saudi Arabia. The Data later on will be analysis to show the result and the findings. Saudi Arabia Background: Saudi Arabia which is the birth place of Islam and home to Islam’s two holiest places in Mecca and Medina is located in the Middle East bordering the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea. The king’s official title is the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The modern Saudi State was founded in 1932. It is a large Middle Eastern nation that ranks as one of the world’s leading producers of petroleum, and exports more oil than any other nation. The government is monarchy type and the monarch is both the chief of state and head of government and administratively it is divided into 13 provinces and the constitution is governed according to Islamic Law. The country’s legal system is based on Sharia law and several secular codes have been introduced. Commercial disputes are handled by special committee. Saudi Arabia has an oil based economy with strong government controls over major economic activities. It possesses more than 20% of the world’s proven petroleum reserves. It not only ranks as the largest exporter of petroleum, but also plays a leading role in OPEC. The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 75% of budget revenues, 45% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings. It is believed that about 40% of GDP comes from the private sector and roughly 5.5 million foreign employees play an important role in the Saudi economy, particularly in the oil and service sectors. The researcher have carried this research in Saudi of same reason which we are going to describe them in details as The access: as the research is a Saudi nationality and have good access to the people in Saudi Arabia where he can collect more information and find a good respond rate than carrying a research in any other place. The Language: The research are multi language as he can speak Arabic Mother tongue and English so he will not face any problem to collect the data The Information: The researcher understating the situation in Saudi Arabia so he can do good research and will not spend too much time to understand the situation and cultural factors. The Organisation of the Education System in KSA The education system in Saudi Arabia has five divisions. They are: kindergarten for children from three to six years old, elementary (6-11), intermediate (12-14), secondary level (15-18), and university level (typically 19-24, depending on the subjects studied, and the form of higher education). The secondary stage is the final phase of general education in the Kingdom. It is a three-year period, following on from the intermediate stage. Students are admitted to this stage if they have obtained the intermediate stage certificate. Normally students follow secondary stage education between the ages of 16 and 18 years. This stage is considered the most important period in the general education ladder because students who successfully complete this stage are eligible to join any higher education institution. The administration of the education system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is highly centralised. All educational policies are subject to government control and supervision by the Supreme Council of Education. Textbooks and teaching tools are uniform throughout the Kingdom. The four principal authorities responsible for education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are: the Ministry of Education; the General Presidency for Girls’ Education; the Ministry of Higher Education; and the General Organisation of Technical Education and Vocational Training. Conclusion In this chapter we have gave a sample overview about the research and what are the reason to carry this research as there are a lack in understand the practice of E-learning program in Saudi Arabia and the research are trying to develop a good understanding to this n the information of other study have carried in similar field ay of the Success factors of the quality for E-learning in Saudi Arabia. Also in this chapter we have describe the dissertation structure and the research question which are going to measure what are the main factors for the success of learning Quality. Finally the Saudi Background have been analyse to give the reader the information to understand where the study have carried on and why. Chapter Two Introduction: The main objective of this chapter is to put forward the point of view of this study by laying out its background information. The chapter starts with presenting the emerging trends in higher education that have lead to the introduction of e-learning. It then continues by explaining the quality issue associated with this type of learning. The chapter also includes an overview of the background information about the e-learning in Saudi Arabia. Education An overview: According to a recent publication by the UNESCO, the education sector in general comprised of all of it’s constitutes including the higher education is experiencing new trends that exert on it new pressures and challenges (Hernes, 2003). Those trends are either classified under demography such as the continuing grow and increase of population, particularly young populations, migration between countries, increase of life expectancy, or are due to globalization where nations in general and learners in particular flow across borders without limits, allowing learners to have easy access to the best universities in the developed countries. Finally and perhaps the most important trend, is the knowledge growth accompanied by advanced information and communication technologies which have changed forever the way information is obtained, stored, used and displayed. Despite the divide between one country to another, or within the same country, more knowledge development opportunities have been created. Information technologies offer the possibility of modularization and customization of education through the use and re-use of learning objects focusing on learners, possibility of engaging learners more than ever and therefore changing the role of the faculty from a teacher to a facilitator. In response to the challenges described above, the growth of e-learning programme with its different modes in higher education is apparent and best reflected by the increasing number of e-colleges or e-universities, or the increasing number of higher education institutions that introduced e-learning programs and definitely by the growth of enrolment rate among learners. A study of e-learning in the United States in 2005, suggested that e-learning is penetrating the higher education institutions both in size and breadth and that e-learning is part of the mainstream of higher education. Figures of the study showed that sixty-five percent of schools offering graduate face-to-face courses also offer graduate courses online. Sixty-three percent of schools offering undergraduate face-to-face courses also offer undergraduate courses online. Among all schools offering face-to-face Master’s degree programs, 44% also offer Master’s programs online. Among all schools offering face-to-face Business degree programs, 43% also offer online Business programs. The same study showed an increase of around 20% of learners enrolment rate compared to the previous year (Allen and Seaman 2005). For different reasons, those statistics do not seem to be applicable to other countries. The USA is certainly the world’s largest provider of e-learning; however the market for e-learning and lifelong learning is also growing in Europe. Moreover, The Arab world, which represents 5 per cent of the worlds overall population, has entered the 21st century with a striking statistics which shows that it has only 0.5 per cent of the worlds Internet users, which obviously impacts number of its e-learning initiatives and enrolled learners in such type of learning systems (UNDP, 2002). Using Computers in Learning: These days, computers have become important educational tool kit. Many educational organizations and training centres rely on it to deliver information and learning knowledge. However, using computers in education has a long history and it has deep-rooted in the field. The idea of using computers in training first appeared during World War 2, in that the US military trained farmers to use weapons and other equipment via this systematic approach (Horton, 2000). The first real use of the computer in educational organizations was seen in the 1960s, when the University of Illinois together with the Data Corporation, developed the PLATO system. PLATO is a system which enabled the learning and understanding of complex subjects. Apple’s Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating system have since provided a standard platform on which programmers can develop training programs (Horton, 2000) Definition of E-learning: E-Learning refers to the employment of information and communication technologies to support the development and delivery of learning in academic and professional development institutions. E-Learning is used widely with other terms such as online learning, technology-mediated learning, web-based learning, computer-based learning, etc. several definitions of e-learning has been developed reflecting the diversity in its application, used tools and associated technologies, whatever definition was used, the meaning of e-learning always contains two fundamental terms; Learning and Technology. In a way or another, all definitions of e-learning indicate the learning that takes place with the support of multimedia objects, the internet and technological applications as a delivery mode. One of the highly used definitions of e-learning as: â€Å"Education via the Internet, network or standalone computer; it refers to using electronic applications and processes to learn, where communication device have been used and content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video, TV and CD-ROM, DVD etc as appropriate (LTSN Generic Centre, 2004). A latest definition that uses the terminology of E-learning higher education has been defined by Ally (2004) as: The access of the Internet to use learning material; to interact with the content, instructor, and other learners; and to obtain support during the learning process, in order to obtain knowledge, to construct personal meaning, and to develop from the learning experience. According to Horton (2000) â€Å"E-learning is defined as instruction delivered on a computer by way of CD-ROM, DVD, Internet, or intranet with the following features: Includes content related to the learning objective. Uses instructional methods such as example and practice to help the learner. Uses media feature such as words and pictures to deliver the content and methods. Builds new skill and knowledge linked to individual learning goals or to improve organizational performance† Feature of E-learning: Eaton (2001) outlines that e-learning is characterized with the following features: Computer-mediated classrooms: faculty members and learners communicate through the computer means making face to face interaction less frequent; Separation in time between communications: communication between faculty members and learners can be also in asynchronous modes; Availability of services online: learners are not only provided by online learning experience but also with online services such as advising, registration, and library services. Distinction between e-Learning and Conventional Education: To understand the quality of e-learning requires full understanding of how this type of learning differs from the conventional style of education and the changes it brings to higher education institutions. This section presents in a broad perspective the distinctions between e-learning and traditional education which shape higher education nowadays. Such distinctions will be taken into consideration when materializing a definition for quality in e-learning, and deciding what to be taken into consideration for evaluating the quality of this type of learning. The following areas were highly repeated in the literature as key distinctions between e-learning and traditional education: Educational Changes: McLaughlin and Oliver (2000) believe however that the new technologies have positive impact on the learning environment where more choices for forms of learning are provided to faculty and learners. This includes the delivery and presentation of content in more flexible and variety of modes, the provision of interactivity, engagement, communication, feedback, communication and collaboration tools. Weller (2000) sees that those types of new choices will facilitate the quick use of courses for easier customization and individualization resulting in more satisfied learners. Change in Faculty Roles: With the growing amount of knowledge and information every day, and the availability of an huge amount of content over the internet, faculty members will not continue to be seen as the source of knowledge, instead, according to Cashion and Palmieri (2002), faculty members are expected to direct learners where to find the most relevant knowledge and provide them with tools that teach them how to learn. Different Types of Learners: Oblinger and Oblinger (2005) have referred to young learners of today as the â€Å"Net Generation† who grew with familiarity with technological products and facilities. Internet access, computer and electronic games have been a daily activity of learners lives. Learner’s todays have different expectations with respect to their learning styles; they prefer to experience things instead of reading or hearing about them, they expect immediate response to questions or actions, they appreciate interactivity and dialogue (Pashuk, 2005). Learners of today consider themselves as customers who demand to be served high quality services. They have consumers attitudes towards their academic program and any of its services (Wager, 2005). E-Learning institutions should be arranged to different types of learners, not only in their preferences and expectations but also in their level of variety. Change in Administrators Role: Administrators of an academic institution are usually referred to as staffs who are not participating in direct teaching or research work, their role is usually to assure that the institutions systems are running properly. Administrators are responsible to create, maintain and improve an environment that helps learners and faculty achieve their academic goals. Administrators of an e-learning institution can be involved in selecting, orienting and preparing qualified faculty for courses, administer and manage the technological facilities at the institution, provide different types of faculty and learners support from the technical helpdesk, library services, financial aid, etc. Administrators can also be involved in the planning, quality assurance, performance management of an activity to help the institution serve its learners better (Williams, 2003). Reliance on Infrastructure: Although e-Learning is basically about learning rather than about technology; the technological infrastructure of e-learning programs is still the critical and primary component of the education systems, e-Learning is characterized by its high independence on the validity, and reliability of its infrastructure which have the role of facilitating and providing accessibility of the learning/teaching process and its support services between faculty members and learners (Pashuk, 2005). Institutional Demands: E-Learning institutions must set up their systems, policies and procedures to deal with issues like data security from both internal and external threats as well as copyrights from the learners, faculty and the institutional perspectives. Developing a high quality online course will not only require the intellectual contribution of faculty members, it rather involves other key team members from the same institution or from partnered institutions. Copyright issues are usually linked to revenue sharing models, especially when the course developers are contracted or granted any incentives (Mendenhall, 2001). Advantages of using E-learning Methods. As we know, traditional education requires effort, time and money that lead to some difficulties in achieving the goals of learning. On the other hand, e-learning contributes to the spread of knowledge among people around the globe by easy, fast and comfortable means that helps people to attain their personal learning objectives. As a result, several educational organisations have proceeded along the e-learning approach to facilitate and improve the process of learning. In this section, several advantages of using an e-learning approach will be discussed. The author has divided the advantages into two main categories, advantages for learners, and advantages for instructors. Advantages for learners. According to Mayer (2003) he has conclude the common advantages that learners can gain from e-learning. The following list illustrates the main advantages for learners: â€Å"Learners can get the best tuition available â€Å" The extensive popularity of e-learning programme makes learning more flexible and gives freedom to learners to choose the best course which fit their needs. â€Å"Training time†. Web-based and media training are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week which allows learners to study when they need it without any conditions or constraints. They do not need to wait for tuition sessions or specified time to attend. â€Å"Learners set the schedule†. Learners can study at their own time and they can take as many lessons as they need depending on their time and their schedule. For example, some of them may wish to study full-time while others want to study a few hours a week. â€Å"Learners get access to the instructor†. Communication with the tutor(s) through web based e-learning systems can be more helpful than the traditional classroom approach. â€Å"Training adapts the learner’s style† Many different learning styles can be integrated within an e-learning environment and the learner is able to adapt his or her style or series of styles which they prefer and in the way they feel is most efficient. â€Å"Learners get quick feedback† There is no need to wait while for the results and degree of the course, the results can be obtained immediately. â€Å"Learners treated more equally† A degree of anonymity is ensuring, therefore personal characteristics are not considered. â€Å"Saves time and money for learners† Hidden costs are eliminated in that here are no travelling fees, parking charge, etc. It is also efficient for time in that almost all the time is used on learning and no time is wasted on travelling. â€Å" Produces positive effects† Learners are constantly improving their other skills, such as computer skills, internet technologies and how they apply the skills in their jobs. Advantages for Instructors, According to Mayer (2003) the most common advantages for instructors can gain from e-learning are: â€Å"Tutors can teach anywhere† Tutors are able to teach the course from any location. All they need is connection to the internet. â€Å"Tutors travel less† Almost all the time is spent on publishing, planning, designing, producing the courses with no time wasted on travelling to attend the class. â€Å"Course can be dynamic† Tutors have the opportunity to deal with course stuff at any time and in any place such as Office, home etc. â€Å"Tutors save time† Time spent in preparing the course material such as handouts, having course paper printed are eliminated. Conclusion In this chapter we have cover a wide range on academic study to understand this subject as starting with the definition of E-learning and what do we mean by E-learning, followed by another important part which is what are the deferent between E-learning and the Conventional education. Also the researcher has included brief explanation about the history of E-Learning and the feature of E-stand its practise. Moreover, We can see based on the literature there are many advantage of E-learning for the learner for example he can study from anywhere and at any time which are the flexibility of E-learning and also there are an advantage for the instructor as he also can teach from any place and with flexible time schedule. Chapter three Introduction: In order to understand what constitutes quality of e-learning and the critical factors that should be addressed when evaluating this type of learning; an understanding of the distinctions between e-learning and traditional education need to be attained. The first section of this chapter is dedicated therefore to explore what changes has been brought to higher education by e-learning. This chapter includes a review for the literature to explore what has been recognized by the researchers and practitioners of this field as key factors that affect the quality of e-learning programs and institutions and therefore should be used to evaluate this type of learning. A list of highly rated and most repeated factors was then generated and categorized to form the basis for a comprehensive framework intended for evaluating quality of e-learning programs which will be used later in the empirical research. Quality in E-learning: Defining quality in e-learning and what should be considered when evaluating the quality of e-learning has been developed during the last 15 years. Despite the important contribution of each of those studies, a complete framework for evaluating the quality of e-learning couldnt be addressed. Developed frameworks either describe the quality of e-learning program with an importance on the classroom environment only or overlooked some important aspects such as the impact of the institute on the quality of E-learning programs (Cashion and Palmieri, 2002). E-Learning has been set by governing or accrediting bodies which have developed quality standards, principles or frameworks. Such standards however, were developed to help institutions plan for their E-learning (Cashion and Palmieri, 2002) or as a self assessment tools, so they usually address in general perspective academic standards, quality standards, standards of competence, organizational standards and service standards (Harvey, 1999). According to Vlasceanu et al (2004), the definition of quality in a higher education institution differs with the changes in: The interests and needs of a range of types of stakeholders. The institutions inputs, processes, outputs, purpose, mission and set of goals. The kind and attributes of the academic world. The historical involvement and development of higher education Revisiting the changes that e-learning brought to higher education especially to the role of its fundamental stakeholders; learners, educators and administrators, it perhaps becomes logical when we look for a definition of Quality as a concept, to consider these stakeholders first. For this reason, a growing literature in the field of e-learning tends to define Quality of e-learning programs as the degree to which principal stakeholders‟ needs and expectations are consistently satisfied, referring to the learners and educators (Kistan, 2005). Success factors Critical success factors (CSFs) are key areas of performance that are essential for the organisation to accomplish its mission (Rockart, 1979). Managers implicitly know and consider these key areas when they set goals and as they direct operational activities and tasks that are important to achieving goals. However, when these key areas of performance are made explicit, they provide a common point of reference for the entire organisation. Thus, any activity or initiative that the organisation undertakes must ensure consistently high performance in these key areas; otherwise, the organisation may not be able to achieve its goals and consequently may fail to accomplish its mission. The term â€Å"Critical Success Factor† has been adapted for many different uses. Familiarity with the term is often presented in the context of a project or an initiative. In this context, CSFs describe the underlying or guiding principles of an effort that must be regarded to ensure that it is succe ssful. The Clarity of course goals Not surprisingly, there has been consensus in the literature that in order to assure the quality of the teaching/learning process; designing a course should start with explicit outcomes that identify the expectations from learners and faculty from the very beginning. Learning outcomes which usually drive the effectiveness assessment process of courses should be also challenging and linked directly to the institution overall goals and objectives. (Mayer et al 2000) faculty members have to adjust course content by selecting appropriate learning styles to achieve course goals and learners needs. Inter